“Christianities?” Documentary Sparks Global Buzz with Viral Tucker Carlson Clip: A Powerful Journey Into Faith
Florence, AZ –
The highly anticipated Christianities? documentary, produced by Holy
Wisdom Films and featuring John Heers of the First Things Foundation,
is already making waves with the release of an electrifying clip featuring
Tucker Calrson’s account of an alleged demonic attack. Carlson describes
the encounter as “a literal physical mauling,” noting, “I woke up with actual
claw marks,” a detail that has ignited curiosity and conversation among
both religious and secular audiences.
The clip has amassed millions of views across social media, generating a
groundswell of interest in the documentary, with conversations spanning
from local communities to global platforms. Christianities? is quickly
emerging as one of the year’s most talked-about documentaries, promising
a thought-provoking experience for viewers regardless of religious background.
”Christianity appears more divided than ever, splintered by politics, beliefs,
and social issues. Just look at the reaction to Tucker’s story,” explains John
Heers, who also appears in the clip walking past an abandoned church;
a poignant symbol of shifting spiritual landscapes in the West.
“ ‘Christianities?’ seeks to understand these divides and does not shy away
from the complexities and contradictions within different traditions. By
doing so, the film hopes to help us see what is truly important and get
closer to the Truth.”
The groundbreaking documentary promises to be a wild journey to the heart of the Faith, with interviews from diverse spiritual and intellectual leaders from around the world. Directed by Steven “Scooter” Downey—known for his work on Hoaxed and Tucker Carlson Originals—Christianities? will seek to answer Christ’s question: “Who do they say that I AM?”
For more information, to schedule interviews, or to request access to press materials, please contact:
Anastasia Heers